Safely integrating crew aviation and unmanned aviation in the polish sky
system, safety, drones, DTM, UTMAbstract
In Poland, we are dealing with a huge development of the drone market. The pandemic has only accelerated the use of new technologies. The number of certified professional drone pilots has long since increased to over 25,000. Therefore, it is important to develop solutions that will allow for the stable, sustainable and safe development of the UAV market and its applications in various parts of the country. One of such solutions is the DTM Autonomia system, which enables the implementation of state-of-the-art drone flights in large numbers and over long distances. The aim of the article is to highlight the process of safe integration of manned and unmanned aviation through a system supporting state-of-the-art drone flights in large numbers and over long distances. Of course, the research process analyzed the most important problems related to the integration of manned aviation with unmanned systems. The article presents significant research on social acceptance of planned changes in the airspace.
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